15 July 2006

my toaster; my friend

I have not encountered any problems with my toaster in Ireland - it has been the one appliance that's tried and true and that even this American can figure out. I'm happy it relenquishes my bagels/bread when I poke it's little red button. So toaster, for my last month in Ireland, keep working WITH me, not against me. Thank you lil' toaster.


Anonymous said...

There's something metaphysically weird-and-clever about toasters though that I wonder whether anybody has ever figured out completely:

You have this toaster, right, and a bit of bread. You stick in the bit of bread and push down the lever. A couple of minutes later, out pops a bit of toast. Perfect.

Thing is though: WHERE DOES THE BREAD GO?

Unknown said...

It goes into happy bread sunbathing heaven.

You question the weirdest things. No more Hoegaarden for you!

I'd really love to know though how you came up with the thought of toasters and metaphysiology - that's one twist of the brain I wish I could follow. *shaking head - highly highly amused*

Anonymous said...

Eek, I'm sprung! Is it that obvious?

Hoegaardan: Dangerous stuff, mind you, but tasty!

Pleased with amusement. And my sister's just arrived; driving down the country now. Enjoy the weekend!