22 June 2007

packing will be known as throwing things in the bag

I have a bunch of nonsequitors in my head... Ok, more than a bunch - so I'm going to write a numbered list of what my head's doing now as I watch So You Think You Can Dance.

  1. Massage: It's very odd to work in a place where you can get a massage and have it on your work calendar as if it's just any old meeting. Saying "oh, I've gotta run, massage scheduled" is perfectly acceptable. And then you walk down the hall, into a room, and get a professional table massage. Not to be crude in all honesty, but there's something ridiculously strange about gettin' undressed in just another room in your office. But mmmmmm massage good.
  2. Training (aka butt kicking): There's only one word I say during training... Ok, that's not true, but my favorite is "ok". My trainer girl just tells me what to do and I say "ok." Apparently she can't always tell what I'm thinking or feeling due to this and the fact I laugh all the time. Then again, she showed me an exercise on the floor today and then flopped there and I told her that this exercise was called the confused fish and she was doing a "dead fish" by not moving. Let's just say that the confused fish exercise is much harder when you're laughing since it's all about sucking it in and squeezin' that butt for your "core." Training is hard though - losing weight is hard!
  3. Roooooomba: My roomba is so nice to me. It's vacuuming while I'm watching crappy reality tv rather than packing. I love Roomba even if it does beep at me every now and then to ask me to get the cables out of it's innards when it tries to eat a lamp cord or something like that.
  4. Packing: Yeah, so I leave tomorrow for the hellish travel adventure known as going to the Philippines. The actual destination is something I'm counting down towards and all that jazz, but the packing.... Yeah, let's just say I already asked that "people" not laugh at me when they see my over packing due to throwing crap at bag. Lazy! Still have a load of laundry to do too but butt kicking by trainer makes me very lazy feeling.

Bye bye now.


17 June 2007

finger numbing reunion

Many things are running through my head right now... I mean, it is 1am so that's not particularly surprising, however.....

  • I'm hoping the EBAs guy can get in the dorm with heaven (aka Tuscany bread).
  • I don't know how much I drank, but I passed the point of embarassment HOURS ago.
  • I had at least 13 drinks even given the above comment
  • Reunion has been surreal.
  • I'm hungry.
So yeah, I'm at my 5th year college reunion scarily enough. It's what may be considered a unique experience, but I think of it as absolutely normal. Who knows?

A few people who registered are no shows (yes, I'm a stalker, but I was also the web master for this hijinks). One of these particular no-shows upsets me greatly.

There's not enough time to spend with the people I care about though. They're staying over in hotels and went "back" far earlier than I, thus I didn't get the chance to enjoy their presence more than a quick chat over dinner or what not. Then again, I've met a lot of other kick-ass people I didn't know I'd remember and even befriended some Significant Others who are not from here. So I guess it's all going well.

Yeah, I have wishes and dreams like every girl. Including that I wish I knew where my cell phone was (I fear it got left at the home of the $2 margarita which I have always been a big fan of and paid great homage to tonight...) However, it's MIA. Update cell phone located

In the meantime, cheers to the >1/3 of my class that made it to reunions. It was great to see everyone from some of my bestest ever friends to my freshman year roomie. I lost my embarrassment about my sobriety state when I realized most people were at least as drunk as I was if not more so. Then again, I did kill my knee falling down a gravel drive to the hill where we had dinner which is rather unfortunate.

But, it was worth it because this place is beautiful and so great to be back in. There's only one regret I have, and that's not ruining my weekend - it just makes me want to do it again under other circumstances.

Anyways, I shall wait for my Tuscany bread now. Cheerio!!!

14 June 2007

boston bad ideas

I'm working from the Boston office today and tomorrow in order to allow myself to go to my 5th year college reunion (oof - old). Now, last night I flew a direct redeye here with only 5 hours of airtime which is lovely - however, if that's the only time you can sleep and you can only sleep after takeoff and before landing that's about 4 hrs of sleep. Add to the the comfort of plane seats and crying children, and that's what I'm running on.

So not such a good idea.

But Redbull is my friend and I'm ridiculously excited to see my friends here in Boston tonight and my friends up in New Hampshire this weekend!!! It's worth it long term, but this morning when my eyes were watering and my head was nodding, it was definitely NOT worth it.

Next weekend I'm going to be DEAD - as will all the people arriving the same day as me from various parts of the world. 24 hrs of travel - eep. I need a more comfy plane pillow - it's worth the investment since the cheapo one I got was absolutely WORTHLESS!!!!

01 June 2007

little town wonders

So, I have a new blog that I'm addicted to... letters from abroad

Maybe it's just me and my personal connection to the author, but I find this blog a general joy to read regardless of how sporadically it's updated.

Alicia (to me Lisi) is a lovely lady who was one of my first best friends when stretch pants and pigtails were the "in" things. We grew up together from early schooling to high school graduation and I knew her pretty well the whole time. Then we went off to our respective colleges and post-parental-living lives..

However, I've gotten news every year-ish on what she's up to when our mother's talk (along with her younger siblings updates). And the other day mom sent me a link to this blog telling me that Lisi had worked in Hungary and was now in Rwanda teaching. huhwha?!?!

Yup - it's true. And now I'm vicariously living through this blog and wondering what it must really be like.

The girl I knew when we played in her tree house over the stream or watched silly tv with after school is now a teacher in Rwanda! Dang! I think it's rewarding to know that from a small town in "upsate" New York, so many people have gone on to "big" things. I never think of my hometown as a place that creates people that thrive after high school, but I see it happening more and more. From the classmates living in Hawaii or becoming doctors, to myself (yes, for once I'll include myself), to Lisi in Rwanda, to another classmate counting turtles and studying their migratory patterns in Mexico, to the uber-successful Wall Street businessman I ran into over Thanksgiving, to Yale psycho science PhD students, to all the others I don't even know what they're now doing.... I guess the ghosts of my past are doing well!

I just wish there were more ways for me to cyber-stalk the really interesting lives of my classmates and go "wow cool!"

Now back to my daily life of geekitude in Seattle while wishing I was in Ireland... guess I need to make a living to support my wonky travel habits and worldwide relationships.