30 April 2006

wet Vette

It's pouring rain outside; I don't have an umbrella with me. Yup - that's thing #1 that I forgot. Let's see how many more things I didn't pack in my gigantuan bags.

However, I did make it to the grocery store today - I'm rather proud of myself for this feat considering I didn't wake up till around 3pm Dublin time (yay PST still hanging on!). The revels lasted till 5:30 this morning in my apartment complex so someone was having a mighty fine Guiness and I wasn't tired anyways.

I must say - I do like grocery stores here - it's nice to have a different selection that looks much fresher than what you'd find in the states. And I even finked out and went to Marks & Spencer for my wonderful food stuffs.

So much for wandering the city to find my office - I need an umbrella before I do that. Perhaps waking up before it's dismal out would help too. I guess that's what May Day shall be used for. Thank goodness I love walking.

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