30 June 2006

Am I insane? Oh wait - rhetorical question.

Tonight I'm headed off to Wimbledon to try to get a ticket to get into one of the courts for tomorrow's matches. Mom's going to "page" me with the court numbers for my 3 favorite players so I can make an informed decision about which show court I want to get into. And if I don't get a court seat, I'll still pay to get a grounds ticket and make it a marvelous picnic on the lawn with the massive screens and the random posh fans.

I'm just having a minor problem with my packing. Hrmph. Stupid Crazy Creek chair hates me and won't squish into my bag. I guess it's padding is too good for my own good. Everything else fits beautifully. Wish me luck and a rain-free night with my sidewalk camping adventure! I'll take pictures of my fellow line cohorts (if there are any! tee hee).

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