07 October 2006

songs you don't sing loud with the car windows down

So, one of my coworkers leant me a CD by the artist Deirdre Flint. This CD is absolutely hysterical.

Last night driving home on empty interstates, I was singing along with a few of the songs - notably the first I sang with was "The Cheerleader" which is highly entertaining.

And then one came on that I'd had on repeat earlier in the day when I needed some giggles: "The Boob Fairy." Yes, I'm really not kidding you, there is a song entitled "The Boob Fairy." I'd pick the highlights of the lyrics for your reading approval, but really, there are no particular highlights - it's just all hysterical.... Although as Deirdre says in her own song it's just a metaphor:
This isn't a song about boobs. Not really. The boobs are just a set of metaphors to symbolize everyone's fear of human inadequacy. Hey! We've all felt the pain of being dissed by one fairy or another, so during the next refrain I want you to join in with your own fairy that never paid a call. Maybe it's the height fairy or the butt nymph. Men, maybe it's the pectoral or hair fairy or maybe some other fairy you just want to mumble about. Look, nobody's going to ask you to enunciate. And sisters, I don't want you feeling alienated because you happen to be full-figured. Just change the line to the boob fairy wouldn't let me be or the boob fairy became obsessed with me. Okay, here comes the refrain. Everybody join in.

I must say that I love driving on an empty highway and singing - it feels so free! And when I'm having a craptastic day, I sing lots. Granted, last night when I was singing this on my way home I was finally far enough away from the crap to be having a good day - but a gal can always use a bit of a laugh.... Because although this song might not apply to every female - especially not me - well, c'mon - you know you want to sing a song that ends with:
The boob fairy never came for me
No the boob fairy never came for me
Though the hip fairy came two times
and the thigh fairy came three
The boob fairy never came for me.

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