06 September 2006

some people think the states are so safe...

So I've been told so many times that people are glad I'm back in the states because the states are so safe. I have proof otherwise.

This past holiday weekend - my first spent in Seattle - the house that I rent with 2 of my friends was robbed. One of my roomies was even home when it happened and had no idea, but thankfully he's ok.

So, petty crime and possibly even dangerous crime occurs everywhere. I'm lucky that this time it was petty crime (granted, it's gonna cost me a ton - they got 2 laptops and a camera as the main stuff, and then some other things like DVDs and CDs of mine). I'm lucky that no one was hurt, but let's say that it makes you question your safety anywhere.

Y'know, I was never of the mind that I'm safer in the States. You're not particularly safe anywhere if you don't take the proper precautions. And I have proof. I hadn't been in the states for 14 days when this happened.

So yeah, I'm at a loss for what happened and I'll never get my stuff back in all likelihood.

I'm ok - my roommates are ok. Yeah, I'm a little spooked and it's hard to adjust even though I got a new toy (new laptop - yum). But there's so much paperwork, so many questions, so much to think about - so yeah - it's not done processing in my head, but I'm here and I'm ok. Just thought I'd share a bit.

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