15 February 2008

well huh

Today is the Hallmark holiday of Valentine's Day (Happy Valentine's Day all!) and I wasn't even the bitter single girl. I didn't have the energy since I somehow managed to let a flu I had last week turn into pneumonia this week (and I thought it'd just become a sinus infection). It's not horrid - just really ridiculously annoying and tiring and painful - ok, so maybe it is horrid. But y'know, I wasn't bitter a la single-dom since I'm embracing it - I was just a cesspool of germs. And to add to that, someone bought me dinner (including dessert) and gave me chocolate for Valentine's Day. I kid you not. I got my groceries from Amazon Fresh this morning, and they'd thrown in a free bag of chocolate. Then when I finally got hungry after not eating all day (not even my chocolate) I called for a pizza and when it arrived it was free and they'd brought me gelato too.... huh. Happy Valentine's Day to me. Now do cupid's arrows clear up my lungs so that I can talk without coughing? If I don't move, laugh or talk I can go quite a while without coughing....... but! Hehe.....

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