Ahh - gender differences and being a gentleman or lady (depending on your gender).
I noticed something odd as I was leaving work today. No, the sky isn't falling a-la Chicken Little and I didn't break a finger nail... A coworker who I've seen before but never spoken to was also waiting for an elevator out of the office with me today. When the elevator dinged to announce its arrival as the doors slid open, he made the gentlemanly gesture of waving me into the elevator first. I smiled and entered the elevator first.
Now, this isn't the first time this has happened in or out of the context of work, but it struck me as odd. There's always protocol in who goes first through any door regardless of gender - however, I wonder if being female changes whether people let me through in front of them even if it's not logical due to some archaic gentlemanly notions.
Thank goodness there's a good chunk of the time where the guy in front of me at work lets the door slam in my face or just barely holds it open for me. Otherwise I'd start to wonder if it wasn't just habitual "mamma's boy's good habits" (sue me for stereotyping - I'm the one who got on the friggin' elevator first!) There are also the guys who hold open doors for anyone and everyone (not doorjams, real men) which also dissuade from this oddity, but it struck me today none-the-less.
Generally, I think I'd notice more if the person rushed to get on before me; in this instance I was perfectly comfortable being waved on as I would've been waiting for the logical order of "closest first" for entrance to the elevator. It was only on double-take that it struck me as "huh - yeah, right" and made me pensive. But I guess I've given in to not noticing my feminine right of way status since otherwise you get the awkward no-yous which result in the crash at the door which you thought you'd only see on Saturday morning cartoons until you're the participant in one.
So here's what I'm pondering as I go to bed tonight: ladies first?
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