10 October 2007


I keep coming back to this one LOLCat pic and giggling madly.

lolcats - we made a oreo! *lulz*

I have no clue whatsoever why I find this one so entertaining. I think it's those cute kitteh blue eyes staring out at you. But whatever the case, I keep hitting "run" on my tests that I'm writing and then coming back to this picture and giggling.


09 October 2007

after you

Ahh - gender differences and being a gentleman or lady (depending on your gender).

I noticed something odd as I was leaving work today. No, the sky isn't falling a-la Chicken Little and I didn't break a finger nail... A coworker who I've seen before but never spoken to was also waiting for an elevator out of the office with me today. When the elevator dinged to announce its arrival as the doors slid open, he made the gentlemanly gesture of waving me into the elevator first. I smiled and entered the elevator first.

Now, this isn't the first time this has happened in or out of the context of work, but it struck me as odd. There's always protocol in who goes first through any door regardless of gender - however, I wonder if being female changes whether people let me through in front of them even if it's not logical due to some archaic gentlemanly notions.

Thank goodness there's a good chunk of the time where the guy in front of me at work lets the door slam in my face or just barely holds it open for me. Otherwise I'd start to wonder if it wasn't just habitual "mamma's boy's good habits" (sue me for stereotyping - I'm the one who got on the friggin' elevator first!) There are also the guys who hold open doors for anyone and everyone (not doorjams, real men) which also dissuade from this oddity, but it struck me today none-the-less.

Generally, I think I'd notice more if the person rushed to get on before me; in this instance I was perfectly comfortable being waved on as I would've been waiting for the logical order of "closest first" for entrance to the elevator. It was only on double-take that it struck me as "huh - yeah, right" and made me pensive. But I guess I've given in to not noticing my feminine right of way status since otherwise you get the awkward no-yous which result in the crash at the door which you thought you'd only see on Saturday morning cartoons until you're the participant in one.

So here's what I'm pondering as I go to bed tonight: ladies first?

07 October 2007

knit two; purl two

I've been disgustingly sick the past few days - and this isn't the first time this year I've been really sick. My sinuses really need to not get so easily infected when my body gets a virus. Bad Body!

However, it does mean I've finally made big progress on my scarf. I've had this scarf started for over a year. It's to match my new hat and mittens I'm also making. Ok, so I haven't started the hat yet, and only have 1.5 mittens, but the scarf's getting longer!

My problem with knitting is that I procrastinate and work in spurts. I love doing it, but I'm intimidated by big projects like cardigans or anything like that. So I have A LOT of yarn and projects in my head to do, but my gosh, no progress on any of them.
  • Pink scarf for Mom that was promised to her when I was living in Baltimore for her birthday - so that's more than 3 years overdue.
  • My scarf, hat and mittens that are my WIP and the project I'm currently working on.
  • Big red blanket (unstarted and I can't remember which pattern I was planning on when I bought the yarn).
  • Black hat (unstarted).
  • Blue bag (I think that I have a piece of it started somewhere, but I don't know where).
  • Blue belt (unstarted).
See! Lots!

And then there are all the bits of yarn that have no purpose. I think with one set of them I'm going to start learning to knit myself some stuffed friends. I figure stuffed friends that I knit and can take to the office might be kind of neat. So I'm going to do that with my purple yarn that I originally got to make a blanket but have since replaced with the red yarn.

I'm a knitter without a purpose. All the projects are for me other than the scarf for mom. And that makes them almost harder to do in that when I have enough hats, I have enough hats. And I'm a good knitter technically. I have all the skills other than those that are for fixing mistakes (and I'm taking a course on that in a month). I need a purpose for my knitting so that when I'm picking it up I can't procrastinate cause it's "just for me" (or the impossible scarf for my mother - why'd I choose that yarn???)

Oh well, at least my current projects are gorgeous - the yarn on this project is beautiful and really doing not much is making a great scarf - just knit two, purl two.

Y'know what? I'm procrastinating cleaning my room by being lazy germ girl who knits. But soon I'll need another skein of yarn for this scarf and I won't be able to continue without doing some room cleaning so I can get to the yarn (and hopefully find a borrowed pair of knitting needles!)