What am I going to write about the new job? Well, not a lot of meat about the company because I like keeping my job and because of that I like keeping the company's secrets. Plus, there's the entier law suit thing and that's just messy...
So yeah... what can I talk about? Food. Yes, I work for that Cali employer now (granted, in the Seattle office) that has very good food. Apparently they recently went "all healthy" in their food department - but damn, this is good food. And right now I'm in the CA office where we have all these food options that it's so ridiculous. I get lost walking through the buildings, but it really doesn't matter - I just swipe a diet coke from one of the fridge's and go in search of a map.
In the meantime, I've determined that I don't know if Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Coke is any good. I mean, I had two today and I really couldn't tell you if it was any good - drinkable, sure; good, I dunno.
And I say I'm eating healthy - which as a whole I guess I am - until you look at my dinner of In 'n' Out and wine... classy eh? I'm just entertained because here I am blogging about food when I have a good job.
However, one of my friends told me "well, you haven't said a bad thing so far" - which is good. Because my new coworkers have asked about my previous job and it's been a dismal summary from my lips.
Then there's the part of me that's going "wow, I work here?" and "how'd I get this job again?"
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