25 February 2007

Patience is a Virtue

I am in Dallas. Why am I in Dallas? I don't quite know - it could have been one of many things:
  1. my flight from Cancun which should've departed at 7am was delayed 2 hours
  2. my flight from Cancun tried to leave on time, but they had mechanical difficulties getting ready to pressurize the cabin so we taxied back into the terminal and got maintenance for 2 hours
  3. we circled high above Dallas where we were supposed to land for over an hour due to 50-60mph winds
  4. we got rerouted to Houston since we needed fuel after circling Dallas and not being allowed to land
  5. we sat at a domestic gate on an international plane for 5 hours because since we couldn't clear immigration & customs, we weren't allowed off the plane
  6. we ran through customs and back to our plane to get back to Dallas since American flies NOWHERE from Houston that's of any use
  7. I slept on the very cold floor outside security at DFW last night for a whole hour. Then I sat there for another whole hour waiting for everything to finish charging.
  8. I'm on standby - I started as #37 on the list, and after the 1st flight out this morning I'm #12 so I'm not doing so bad, but I bet things start moving slower now
I have my trusty blanket that I found when I got in the terminal practically numb.

I want to curl up and go to sleep more than words.

I have hives and really need a shower, since the shower in Cancun was with chlorinated water and I'm allergic to chlorine. So I'm taking massive doses of Benadryl which aren't helping me to be more alert and at this point, they aren't numbing the itch nearly enough.

At least I have my computer so I'm in great demand by the peeps stuck with me to know what's going on since they won't tell us ANYTHING here.

Oh, and by the way - Cancun was great and I don't wanna go back.

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