18 June 2006

London on Parade

A lot of watchers
Originally uploaded by yvettemn.
So, to take a break from chores while I pray that I don't get paged, I figured I'd start with my journey to London from 2 weekends ago.

The basics are that I spent 3 days 4 nights in London wandering, doing touristy things and cultural things, and enjoying the fantastic weather in a fun city. All my pictures from that wacky adventure which I took on my cell phone ('cause my camera still wasn't here) can be found on Flickr.

King's Cross Tube Sign
Originally uploaded by yvettemn.
So I got into London Fri night without problems and made my way to Kings Cross to find my hostel. I was staying in an all-girls dorm (thank god - boys are dodgy). Everything was copisetic, so I slept on my top bunk and the next morning woke up to 80 degrees and sunny for the weather outside. Perfection! I grabbed my London Pass to save myself mega bucks on transportation (3 days of tube transit) and on entrance fees (everywhere I wanted to go for 1/3 of what it would've cost me to buy the individual tickets). Then off I went walking - it was far to beautiful out for me to take the tube!

I was aiming to ramble South of the Thames to the Globe Theater and a few art galleries before crossing over to the Tower of London. However, none of these excursions actually happened when I got sucked into watching the practice parade for the Queen's Birthday. Y'see, I heard the sounds of a marching band - very traditional - when I passed by this massive gate structure. I didn't realize where I was or what was through the gate, but I followed the throngs of people in to see what the ruckus was. There - lo and behold - was a royal guard marching band all decked out and playing great music. And the people lining the street were friendly and let me know that this was the first of three practice parades for when the Queen would celebrate her birthday. It looked more interesting than the changing of the guard when I realized I was in St James Park which leads up to Buckingham Palace so I wandered down the way towards the palace, stopping everytime I band came along and chatting with various guards. I finally ended up standing right in front of Buckingham Palace with another lovely American woman watching the festivities. My three favorite things were (a) the bands which were mounted on massive horses. I was in awe. (b) the guards who stood along the sides of the road that weren't your average police were hysterical. They were in the hottest looking outfits with their fuzzy tall hats and they wore massive backpacks which I soon realized were connected to the phone handsets in their hands! I thought it was too funny - these things were massive and when they walked all regimental they did it with the phones in hand as if they were some gun or sword or something weapon like. I just giggled. And (c) I saw Prince Charles riding his little horse. Apparently the royals normally ride in one of the later practice parades, but for some odd reason he rode with this one. I was so shocked I couldn't take a reasonable picture.

Domes of St Paul's
Originally uploaded by yvettemn.
So after a few hours of this I wandered off towards the Globe to see what else I could fit in from my original plan. I skipped the Tate and went straight to the St Pauls Cathedral. I attempted to go to the dome to see the roof, but alas, I hate heights - instead I sat through a 30 min eucharist ceremony just cause I could and my feet needed a break. Then off to the Globe only to find they had a matinee in progress so I couldn't get inside. Instead I bought half price tickets for the next night's performance and wandered off to the Tower of London. But I got side tracked by Vinopolis which is a wine tasting tour / museum which was highly entertaining and a very refreshing stop (also free on my London Pass - whoda thunk?)

Taming of the Shrew
Originally uploaded by yvettemn.
Finally, I headed North back across the Thames to Regent's Park (skipping dinner - I was too late for that) to catch the showing of Taming of the Shrew in the Shakespeare in the Park series I'd gotten tickets for. It was absolutely beautiful out with the sun setting as the play progressed and the light breeze and fairy lights all around the theater. It was marvelously comfortable and they even ended up having a bbq being served at intermission so missing dinner wasn't traumatic when I grabbed a sausage and glass of wine for dinner. I fell in love with the theater then sitting in the sunset watching a hysterical production with my glass of wine in hand - it was so enjoyable.

Sunday I decided to catch up with some of the things I'd planned on doing the day before. So I headed straight for the Tower of London in the morning, found out that the Beefeater Tour I wanted to take was on hold for 2 hrs while all the yeowman went to mass so I went to mass too - what the hey! It was a beautiful ceremony and very very formal. Then I went and saw the Crown Jewels (wow wow wow) and finally caught my Beefeater tour which was my favorite touristy thing! Then I decided to head over to Kennsington Palace by way of Notting Hill. After wandering the shops, I stopped for a picnic lunch overlooking the mini lake in the midst of the gardens. Finally, it was time for me to go to the theater again for a showing of Coreolanus (I hadn't heard of it before either) by the Royal Shakespeare Troupe at the Globe. I was going purely for the experience, but I had a great time with another dinner in my seat and wine and good company (cute lil' American boy sitting next to me).

And finally Monday I wandered over to see Big Ben and the Parliment Building. Then it was into Westminster Abbey (wow - that place is miraculous) and then time to do some good ol' shopping in Covington. I did some shopping, some window shopping, and some cafe sitting. Finally I ended up at the theater yet again but this time to experience a London musical: Evita It was the first preview performance and again it was amazing.

And finally I traipsed back to Dublin Tues morning to meet up with Amy. I had 73 pictures on my mobile, a farmer's tan, and I nearly wasn't readmitted to Ireland due to the fact I still don't have my work auth and in my sleepy state nearly didn't explain myself correctly (eep - that would've been disasterous).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

> for a showing of Coreolanus

huh-huh ... uhh ... huh-huh ... she said "anus play".