I've been surfing all over the web lately - more than normal. I've been a "long time user" of things like IM clients of all sorts, gmail, Cute Overload, Blogger, flickr, rss feeds, and probably some other things I'm forgetting, but lately there's a social networking hype out there.
Maybe it's my current job making me aware of the wacky trends on the internet, or my friends blogging about them. Things like Second Life which scare me for so many reasons but which I comprehend none-the-less. Sites like Facebook where I've become an addict of my own accord. Then there's LinkedIn for business networking. So many oddities, interesting sites, weird trends (i can has cheezeburger? anyone) are out there and are just getting more hype.
So yeah, I don't have any interesting commentary to mention, but if you have any more weird / fun / creative / new sites for me to check out, pass 'em over...
In the meantime, meet my meez! She's the image posted with this entry.
29 July 2007
28 July 2007
pot + mom + cornbread = funny
Mom and I are tv-aholics. I rented the show Weeds (a Showtime show) from Netflix since it kept getting recommended to me... And this is one of the best tv lines ever written or spoken:
You know you're not mommy's lil' girl anymore when you can watch a show with her that contains that much swearing and is about a pot-dealing-suburban-mother and you walk around afterwards getting ready to go out to dinner repeating "Nobody puts weed in my cornbread recipe."
So, yes, after 3 episodes this show comes highly recommended.
You gave her my cornbread recipe? And she put WEED in it? NOBODY puts WEED in my CORNBREAD recipe!!!
You know you're not mommy's lil' girl anymore when you can watch a show with her that contains that much swearing and is about a pot-dealing-suburban-mother and you walk around afterwards getting ready to go out to dinner repeating "Nobody puts weed in my cornbread recipe."
So, yes, after 3 episodes this show comes highly recommended.
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