So, I'm slacker-ific and haven't updated here - but I don't know if anyone reads this now that I'm in the States again.
Lots is going on: Seattle had a snowstorm (miraculously scary roads), a windstorm that took my power out for a week (woop!), and I've been travelling here and there.
So anyone who reads this that normally gets a Christmas card from me, they're in my room but didn't get written during the power outtage and since I leave for Ireland in 2 days for a week's vacation, they'll be New Year's cards you'll receive in the New Year. Like I said, I'm slacker-ific!!
Spent Christmas Eve Wii-ing on the roomie's new Nintendo Wii and Christmas day with family. Went to New York for Thanksgiving, went hiking in Rainier and was in VA hiking this fall and I'm heading to Dublin for New Year's. I've never stayed still - you're surprised why?
Hrmmmmm.... to blog or not to blog. Should I restart telling my stories here about downed trees and people doing 360s on the roads in front of me, and random crazy travels like the fact that in Jan, Feb & Mar I'm spending an entire week out of the country - 3 countries vacationed in in 3 months (Ireland, Mexico, Canada).
Cheers and Happy Holidays!!!