15 February 2008

well huh

Today is the Hallmark holiday of Valentine's Day (Happy Valentine's Day all!) and I wasn't even the bitter single girl. I didn't have the energy since I somehow managed to let a flu I had last week turn into pneumonia this week (and I thought it'd just become a sinus infection). It's not horrid - just really ridiculously annoying and tiring and painful - ok, so maybe it is horrid. But y'know, I wasn't bitter a la single-dom since I'm embracing it - I was just a cesspool of germs. And to add to that, someone bought me dinner (including dessert) and gave me chocolate for Valentine's Day. I kid you not. I got my groceries from Amazon Fresh this morning, and they'd thrown in a free bag of chocolate. Then when I finally got hungry after not eating all day (not even my chocolate) I called for a pizza and when it arrived it was free and they'd brought me gelato too.... huh. Happy Valentine's Day to me. Now do cupid's arrows clear up my lungs so that I can talk without coughing? If I don't move, laugh or talk I can go quite a while without coughing....... but! Hehe.....

06 February 2008

Puppies, Quilts & Houses

On March 7, 2008 I will be a homeowner if everything goes according to plan.

Today I sat in the home-office of my fantastic real estate agents and initialed and signed so much paperwork my signature started to look funny to me. I was doing this with the cutest puppy begging for some loving with his head in my lap. An hour later my agent called to tell me the offer's been accepted with only one legalese change (doesn't effect me much at all - costs me a whole $20 - so yeah, I'm ok with that).

Today my mom started hand cutting out pieces to the quilt she's making me with her friends. They can't follow any nice pattern pieces to do it and make it easy either. They have to measure and cut every single awkward triangle in this quilt and it'll be gorgeous. It may take her 2 years since it is a queen size quilt of only odd dimensioned triangles, but it'll be heaven in purples and greys.

Today I spent a lot of money.

I want a puppy to love everytime I sign away my life. I want a puppy period!
